Dalam pengoperasiannya Perusahaan Gas Negara LNG membutuhkan individu berkualitas dan bermotivasi tinggi, karenanya pada kesempatan ini PGN LNG membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Commercial & Shipping Group
1. Vice President Shipping (VPS)
2. Gas Marketing Manager (GMM)
3. Planning & Scheduling Mgr (PSM)
4. Corporate Planning Manager (CPM)
5. Sr. Economic Analyst (SEA)
Finance and Administration Group
6. Procurement Manager (PCM)
7. General Affair Manager (GAM)
8. Corporate Finance Manager (CFM)
9. Accounting Specialist (ACT)
10. Tax Specialist (TAX)
Technical Operations Group
11. Vice President Engineering (VPE)
12. Marine Terminal Superintendent (MIS)
13. Marine Operation Officer (MOO)
14. Liquid-Gas-Management System Specialist (LGS)
15. Operation and Maintenance Facility Specialist (OMS)
16. Health Safety Environment Manager (HSE)
17. Environment Specialist (ENS)
Legal Support
18. Junior Legal Counsel (LGL)
Requirements are as follows:
• Minimum 2 years experience in related position (All positions)
• Oil and gas background with LNG experience preferable (All Position)
• Fluent in oral and written English (All Position)
• Bachelor degree in Economic, Have experience about GSNGSPA and Gas Contract (GMM)
• Bachelor degree in Economic/Technic, Minimum 4 years experience in the field of Bussiness Development/Research and Development (CPM)
• Previous experience as Engineering Manager, have knowledge of Gas Pipeline or Gas Station Facility (VPE)
• Minimum ANT 1, able to make Gas Operation Distribution procedure (MTS)
• Minimum ANT III, previous experience in LNG Operation, have knowledge of marine rules (MOO)
• Bachelor degree in Mechanical Chemical (HSE)
• Bachelor degree In Technic, previous experience in metering system and gas station (LGS)
• Bachelor degree in Law (LGL)
• Bachelor degree in Economic (SEA,ACT,TAX)
Send your resume with recent photograph max. 1 MB and put Position Code at email subject to:
Knowledge of local dialect and/or Chinese an advantage.
Expired : 23 February 2013