Lowongan BUMN 2013 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara company in the production of LNG subsidiary of the publicly listed major gas transportation and distribution company, currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:
- Procurement Manager (PCM)
- General Affair Manager (GAM)
- Corporate Finance Manager (CFM)
- Accounting Specialist (ACT)
- Tax Specialist (TAX)
- Junior Legal Counsel (LGL)
- Vice President Engineering (VPE)
- Marine Terminal Superintendent (MIS)
- Marine Operation Officer (MOO)
- Liquid-Gas-Management System Specialist (LGS)
- Operation and Maintenance Facility Specialist (OMS)
- Health Safety Environment Manager (HSE)
- Environment Specialist (ENS)
- Vice President Shipping (VPS)
- Gas Marketing Manager (GMM)
- Planning & Scheduling Mgr (PSM)
- Corporate Planning Manager (CPM)
- Sr. Economic Analyst (SEA)
Qualification & Experience:
- Having 2 years experience in related position (All positions)
- Oil and gas background with LNG experience preferable (All Position)
- Bachelor degree in Mechanical Chemical (HSE)
- Bachelor degree In Technic, previous experience in metering system and gas station (LGS)
- Bachelor degree in Law (LGL)
- Bachelor degree in Economic (SEA,ACT,TAX)
- Bachelor degree in Economic, Have experience about GSNGSPA and Gas Contract (GMM)
- Bachelor degree in Economic/Technic, Minimum 4 years experience in the field of Bussiness Minimum ANT 1, able to make Gas Operation Distribution procedure (MTS)
- Minimum ANT III, previous experience in LNG Operation, have knowledge of marine rules (MOO)
- Development/Research and Development (CPM)
- Previous experience as Engineering Manager, have knowledge of Gas Pipeline or Gas Station Facility (VPE)
- Fluent in oral and written English (All Position)
If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to : hrd@pgnlng.co.id . Lowongan BUMN 2013 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Februari 2013 deadline 9 Februari 2013.