PT Permodalan Nasional Madani Persero BUMN company in Finance Non Banking inviting putera – Indonesian best female one has idealism and tall integrity for developmental micro effort, utilised resident at Unit Layanan Modal Mikro (ULaMM) PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) those are on territorial Javanese East, with position as follows:
Qualification & Experience:
- Male/ Female, single age max 22 years old
- Min education SMA SMK with 1 years experience in Administrasi / Keuangan
- Can run MS Office's computer (Word and Excel).
- Understand Accounting and finance Administration.
- Having good communication ability.
- Having Driving License c.
Task and accountability:
- Bringing off finances thawing in accurate figure and on time
- Doing deposits accepting transactions
With territorial place as follows:
- Surabaya (penempatan Sepanjang, Wadungasri, Manukan, Rungkut, Mojokerto Kota, Gresik Kota)
- Malang (penempatan Malang Kota, Kepanjen, Sukun, Turen, Batu, Tumpang, Sumberpucung)
- Blitar (penempatan Blitar Kota, Kademangan, Kesamben, Nglegok, Srengat, Wlingi, Lodoyo)
- Lamongan (penempatan Lamongan Kota, Tuban, Bojonegoro Kota, Sumberrejo, Rengel, Jatirogo, Brondong)
- Pasuruan (penempatan Pasuruan Kota, Pandaan, Rejoso, Ngoro, Bangil, Lawang, Mojosari)
Please send your application letter CV, supporter document, and close-fitting last photo, with attach position and region code( ? Example: CS Surabaya) on left angle on enveloping to:
PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Cabang Surabaya
Jl. Joyoboyo No. 30 Surabaya (Up. SDM)
Application code and mandatory region is filled. Without application code won't be processed
Lowongan Kerja PT Permodalan Nasional Madani deadline 2 weeks after this date of advertisement