The Big one of Transportation company in Indonesia BUMN PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of
1. Bachelor Degree S1 / Master Degree S2 in Power Engineering
a. Education and Formation required
1) Department of Transportation Civil / Construction / Structure of 5 People
2) Department of Machinery by 5 people
3) Department of Electrical much as 5 People
4) Department of Transport Management by 4 people
b. Have work experience in their field for S1 at least 6 (six) years or to S2 at least 4 (four) years
2. Bachelor Degree S1 / Master Degree S2 in Accounting
a. Has Certificate Register Accountants (Passed PPAK)
b. Having work experience in their fields at least 5 (five) years in KAP International / Multinational Enterprises / State Audit Institution
Criteria Applicants:
1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
2. Age maximum of 35 years as of May 9, 2011
3. Education S1 / S2 from state universities and private accredited “A”
4. GPA as low as 3.00
5. Having Manual Based Test TOEFL 500 or Computer Based Test 160 or Internet Based Test 80
6. Well-behaved
7. Physically and mentally healthy
8. Experienced in field
9. Willing to be placed throughout the company’s work
10. Passed in every stage of selection
General requirements for application:
1. Cover letter (handwritten) and signed on stamp Rp.6.000, 00 (six thousand dollars) by the participant by attaching
2. Copy of diploma which has been legalized S1/S2
3. Copy of transcripts that have legalized S1/S2
4. Copy of Identity Card (ID) is still valid
5. Copy of Certificate of Manual-Based TOEFL Test Computer Based Test 500 or 160 or Internet Based Test 80
6. Recent color passport photo size 4 X 6 cm, in 4 (four) pieces with the given name behind
7. Certificate of Good Behaviour from the Police which is still valid
8. Health Certificate from the Doctor
9. Willing Statement in place throughout the company stamped USD. 6.000,00
10. Curiculum Vitae, to include work experience to date
11. Copy of Certificate of skill / vocational
Selection process consists of:
1. Phase I: Selection Administration
2. Phase II: Public Interview
3. Phase III: Psychological tests
4. Stage IV: Health Test
5. Phase V: Final Determination Graduation Interview
The procedures apply:
1. Recruit announcements will be announced in the National Newspapers and Web
2. Document the requirements included in the sealed brown envelope with the Education Code to include in the upper left corner (example: Civil Engineering Transportation), sent by post no later than May 9, 2011 with the address:
* Designation. Managing Director OF HUMAN CAPITAL
* PO BOX 9999 Bandung 40000
3. Document requirements that have been accepted by the administrative committee selected Recruit
4. Applicants who meet the administrative requirements will be called via the web: on 20 May 2011.
Other rules:
1. Each implementation of selection, participants must bring card participants
2. Applications that have been sent are not returned
3. In this selection process is free of charge and are encouraged to ignore the parties that promise to help pass
4. In this selection process applies knockout and the committee’s decision can not be contested
Donot forget, Info Job Vacancy Bachelor Degree S1 / Master Degree S2 in Power Engineering and Accounting in BUMN PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) deadline 9 May 2011. Click here for complete info.
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Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Job vacancy : LOWONGAN KERJA 2013 BUMN PT KAI exp 9 May 2011 Terbaru : Lowongan Kerja 2013 - INFO LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU 2013
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