PT Pertamina (Persero) are warm up state belonging effort (BUMN) one that moving at oil mining area and earth gas (migas) at Indonesia. Now, Pertamina gets commitment push transformasi's process internal and developmental sustainable utilisedding to reach international default in operational performing and tatakelola environmentally the better, and corporate performance step-up as objective as with. As corporate as migas national, Pertamina gets commitment to render balance among corporate gain attainment with public ministering quality. With 53 experience year face darings at environmentally geological Indonesian, Pertamina constitutes effort development pioneer natural gas molten or Liquefied Natural Gases (LNG).
Pertamina's effort scope includes in to do migas's exploration and production; refinery processing, manufacturing and energy and petrochemical product marketing; BBM'S development vegetation, energy native heat and somber is other alternative energy source. Activity hads out and Pertamina's infrastructure facility is scattered at all Indonesian region. Pertamina services energy requirement for is more than 220 million Indonesian peoples.
PT. Pertamina (Persero) looking for scarred individuals and potentially which can reflect corporate point manners for are part of team that mengakselerasi vision attainment: as firm migas national brazes to universalize. Find various work and task that dares and various place option work. You will work to equal co-worker of a variety latar belakong education, profession and culture. Get worth experience and feels how all the things that gets to develop ability and Your interest.
Let to develop idea , Your creativity and innovation by follow new employ acceptance selection PT Pertamina (Persero) via program as follows:
Direktorat PENGOLAHAN:
Refinery Unit II Dumai, Refinery Unit III Plaju, Refinery Unit IV Cilacap, Refinery Unit V Balikpapan, Refinery unit VI Balongan, Kantor Pusat Jakarta
Direktorat PEMASARAN dan NIAGA: Region Sumatera Bagian Utara, Region Sumatera Bagian Selatan, Region Jawa Bagian Barat, Region Jawa Bagian Tengah, Region Jawa Timur Bali & Nusa Tenggara, Region Kalimantan, Region Sulawesi. Region Maluku - Papua
Direktorat KEUANGAN: Region Sumatera BagianUtara, Region Sumatera Bagian Selatan, Region Jawa Bagian Barat, Region Jawa Bagian Tengah, Region Jawa Timur Bali & Nusa Tenggara, Region Kalimantan, Region Sulawesi, Region Maluku-Papua, Kantor Pusat Jakarta
Direktorat UMUM: Kantor Pusat Jakarta
Direktorat SDM: Kantor Pusat Jakarta
For more complete information about location, selection, qualification, application visit PT Pertamina (Persero) : click career or
Joint with us to build PT Pertamina (Persero) as firm migas national brazes to universalize. Lowongan Migas 2011 for D3 Bimbingan Praktis Ahli in Pertamina deadline 21 Mei 2011
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2013 LOWONGAN KERJA : Vacancy D3 in BUMN PT Pertamina (Persero) Mei 2011 Terbaru : Lowongan Kerja 2013 - INFO LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU 2013
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
2013 LOWONGAN KERJA : Vacancy D3 in BUMN PT Pertamina (Persero) Mei 2011 Terbaru : Lowongan Kerja 2013 - INFO LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU 2013
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