Job Vacancy in PT. Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) BUMN Company in Asuransi Ekspor, Asuransi Kredit, Asuransi Umum and Suretyship , currently we are strengthening our team and looking for bright, high achiever individuals, capable of providing a professional performance with self-integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfil the vacancies of:
Staff Klaim Non Motor Vehicle (Bukan Kendaraan Bermotor) (code: KLM)
- Age max 35 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Asuransi Kerugian preferably have A3IK / A2IK , IPK min 3.00
- Have experience in klaim non motor vehicle (bukan kendaraan bermotor)
- Having good communication skills in both English and Indonesia
- Strong analytical and strategic thinking
- Have excellent communication skill
- Based Jakarta Raya
Application letter and CV which proveded with by responsible position description information (job description) to already gets job experience, color photograph and copy (KTP, appreciative transcript, diploma, letter / certificate – another certificate as bank statement of job, course certificate, etc.) sent to go to:
Bagian SDM Kantor Pusat PT. Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero)
Gedung Menara Kadin Indonesia Lantai 21
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Blok X5, Kav 2 – 3 Jakarta 12950
Or email : , Lowongan BUMN PT. Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) as Staff Klaim Non Motor Vehicle deadline 19 May 2011.