Kamis, 14 April 2011

2013 LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN PT Pupuk Kaltim April 2011 Terbaru : Lowongan Kerja 2013 - INFO LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU 2013

Job vacancy in PT Pupuk Kaltim as corporate as producer manures Urea and Ammonia is outgrown at Indonesia with production capacity 2,98 million urea's tons per year and 1,85 million ammonia ton per year, and NPK manure production 500 thousand tons per year, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) can meet the need national and also international manure. Program coherent marketing (integrated marketing) one that gets orientation on ministering superior being attributed to reach target six correct, which is timely, duly foots up, duly type, duly place, duly quality and on the nose price.

In order to meet the need labour and to make ready profesional , PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur give chance to lndonesia's citizen to follow selection as prospective as employee. PT. PUPUK KALTIM by condition of as follows:


  • Male, single
  • WNI, age max 21 years old at 5 April 2011
  • Min education SMA/SMK/MA
  • Jurusan/ Konsentrasi : lPA, Elektronika Industri, Teknik Listrik, Pemanfaatan tenaga Listrik,InstalasLi istrik, Kimia Analis, Teknik Nautika, Nautika Kapal, Kimia Industri, Mesin.
  • Unattached on duty on other institution. (Tidak terikat dinas pada instansi lain)

Complete Document :

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy is last diploma already been notarized or Surat Keterangan Lulus for applicant what does graduate sit for an examination on year 2011 or Surat Keterangan dari Kepala Sekolah /headmasters for student to increase year-end 2011.
  • Copy KTP who is still apply.
  • Copy is SKCK from Police force that stills to apply.
  • Copy is job Seeker Card AK / l (yellow card) one that still prevailing.( For student to increase year-end 2011 can overtake)
  • Color Photograph 3×4 2 x .
  • Form is application already being filled( form is application can at downloads at this announcement underside).

Catatan :
Pada sudut kiri atas amplop/map lamaran, cantumkan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Jurusan.
Pada surat lamaran agar mencantumkan alamat tempat tinggal yang jelas dan disertai nomor telephon/HP yang dapat di hubungi.

Surat Lamaran ditujukan kepada:
Gedung Sarana Pertemuan (GORf
Jl. Alamanda PC.VI
PT, Pupuk Kalimantan Timur

Surat Lamaran disampaikan secara langsung atau melalui pos dan diterima paling lambat tanggal 15 April 2011 pada jam kerja melalui:

Kantor Perwakilan PT. Pupuk Kaltim Samarinda, Jl .Juanda No. 94 Samarinda 75124
Kantor Perwakilan PT. Pupuk Kaltim Balikpapan, Jl .Pupuk Raya No. 54 Balikpapan 76101
Kantor Pusat PT. Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, Jl. James Simanjuntak No.1 Bontang 75313

Hasil Seleksi Administratif akan diumumkan pada tanggal 26-27 April 2011 di :
Kantor Disosnaker Kota Bontang Jl. Awanglong No.01 Bontang
Kantor Perwakilan PT. Pupuk Kaltim Samarinda, Jl .Juanda No.9 4 Samarinda 75124
Kantor Perwakilan PT.Pupuk Kaltim Balikpapan,Jl .Pupuk Raya No.54 Balikpapan 76101
Website PT. Pupuk Kaltim dengan alamat : http://www.pupukkaltim.com

Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
Surat lamaran yang masuk menjad miilik PT. Pupuk Kaltim dan tidak bisa diminta kembali.
Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
Tempat pelaksanaan tes di kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur.

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan minat Saudara untuk bergabung dengan PT. PUPUK KALTIM kami ucapkan terima kasih.

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter please Download Form Aplikasi or Lengkap . Download PengumumanLowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pupuk Kaltim deadline 15 April 2011.

2013 LOWONGAN KERJA BUMN PT Pupuk Kaltim April 2011 Terbaru : Lowongan Kerja 2013 - INFO LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU 2013 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown